And You Will Eat Bugs and You Will Like It.
Thanks, Brian Dunaway:
I found these during my latest visit to Spec’s Liquor (ubiquitous in the Houston area) in Missouri City, TX.
They had been left by the rum — maybe someone was going to buy them as a joke and changed their mind.
I brought them to the counter — “Do you really sell these?” She was very friendly, but her English was poor, and the accent was definitely not Mexican. “Where are you from?” “Columbia,” she responded.” I answered, “I thought somewhere in South America.” She said, “Best country in America! … Just kidding.” I laughed.
Looking at the bugs, she said, “Me, no, never, ew.”
Incidentally, these were $3.00 for one gram’s worth of yummy cricket protein. That’s $1361 per pound. Watch out Kobe beef!
Of course, we’re just being softened up. I’m sure we’ll soon be able to buy them by the pound.