Ukrainian children

Writes David M.:

That’s truly shocking, but it would be a serious mistake for someone just to go to the 17:50 mark and listen only to that part of this extraordinarily educational interview.  Permit me to offer one small example of what one might miss by doing so.  At around the 12:40 mark he talks about how truly devastating the Russian artillery assaults are.  We think of artillery as a WW I or WW II weapon.  I once served as a spotter during a training exercise at Ft. Bragg with an Army artillery reserve unit.  To do that, I had to be close enough to the target to observe it, at least through binoculars, so that I could radio back to the people with the guns how they needed to adjust their fire to zero in on the target.  Now with drones over the battlefield and satellite communication for GPS positioning, there’s none of that hit-or-miss with the targeting.  That’s something that had not occurred to me. Of course, we also had aircraft for artillery observation in Vietnam, but it could be a very dangerous job, as could ground spotting.

Start at 17:50 (General MacGregor)
