Trump’s ‘Snorting’

Writes a friend:

Dear Lew:

This is a minor point, but one that has surfaced, of people commenting about Trump’s “snorting” while speaking. It prompts me to share what I understand about the physiology of breathing.And Trump is doing it RIGHT, unlike most of us.

Being asthmatic, I’ve been saved and rehabilitated by learning a method of breathing called Buteyko, which is actually the most natural way to breathe….and that is nasally. (I had never been aware that I was a mouth breather.)

Apparently,  the Good Lord created that nose exactly for the purpose of breathing through it, for lots of good reasons….One of which is to produce the nitrous oxide, which opens our airways. Mouth breathing not only doesn’t produce nitrous oxide, but it lets too much carbon dioxide escape, making us tired.

When I first spotted Trump doing this, I was so proud of him because I was certain that it was instinct for him, being a naturally strong and tireless individual.

Of course the Twitterverse took to accusations of cocaine use… Too bad this natural way of breathing has been so lost, along with our sleep patterns and our general health. Here’s a great example of the ability to speak, close your mouth to inhale, and speak more…while staying calm and focused….and energetic.

ps…I’m with Walter’s Libertarians for Trump.
