Writes John MG:
I am a psychosocial researcher and essayist, I am a contributor to The New York Post, New York Daily News, Newsweek, and The Washington Examiner.
Quick pitch:
Monxeypox cases are on the rise. Cases are particularly high in states like California, New York and Illinois. You know what is also high in these states? Rates of homosexuality. It’s well-established that monkeypox is being spread by members of the gay community. Yet so few outlets are covering this fact. This is not to demonize members of the community, not at all. It’s to assure people who are not members that it’s not quite as scary as some outlets would have you believe. Cases are, ironically enough, very high in Florida, home of the don’t say gayers. Cities like Miami and Orlando have a big homosexual communities. The virus is largely spread through direct contact with the infectious rash, scabs, or body fluids. respiratory secretions during prolonged, face-to-face contact, or during intimate physical contact, such as kissing, cuddling, or sex. The average, heterosexual (95% of US population) is not in danger. But government agencies and many members of the MSM will tell us, and are telling us, otherwise.
What do you think?