Writes Gail Appel:
Share , call, urge friends and family members to do the same- We must act or suffer the horror of what’s coming and the crushing guilt of having done nothing to prevent it.
Don’t count on the detritus posing as our “elected representatives” to save us. They’re too busy doing everything in their power (dwindling power) to savage their own, empower the Dem Death Cult, lose America and defeat “We The People” . Deliberately, so it seems.Between the Arizona abortion ban using an 1864 law making women chattel written before Arizona gained statehood, deigning us “isolationists”,signing the 1.3 trillion dollar omnibus that funds every woke, Green New Deal fantasy, tuition for college students in Egyptian universities, DEI trading, drag Queen shows in Latin America, EV charging stations in Martha’s Vineyard designated as “Low Income Districts” gaining taxpayer subsidies,gay turtles, “Black people only” theater tickets,Gain Of Function Research,full term abortion on demand, global flights bringing illegals to the U.S. with nothing for the border or real infrastructure-including our crumbling grid, collapsing bridges,,nutrient depleted toxic chemical infused soil and water,decrepit schools,another 60 billion for Ukraine, building massive new FBI headquarters,reauthorizing FISA and then having Mitch, Mike Turner, Karl Rove , Liz Cheney, Mike Gallagher, Ken Buck, Kinzinger, Cassidy, Graham, Pence, Christie, Mitt, Murkowski,Haley, Lankford, Gowdy, W and Sununu disparaging us and advising the court to throw the book at Trump, the J6 prisoners, Navarro,Giuliani and 76 year old Wesselberg, Trump employee of 50 years who was sent to spend another five months in Riker’s today.
See here.