Russia Responds

Breaking News

Today Russia responded to the missile attack on Russian territory.

The response was a demonstration of what is in store for European and US bases if Washington’s provocations of Russia continue.  A Ukrainian base was destroyed by a hypersonic ballistic missile carrying conventional warhead.  The missile is designed to carry nuclear warheads.  The Russian response was a demonstration of the utter destruction that awaits the stupid and foolish NATO countries.  Reports are that Trump is urgently seeking communication with Putin.  The evil Zionist Neoconservatives are coming very close to destroying the Western world.

Several members of America’s Ignorant Foreign Policy Community Challenged my Statement of the superiority of Russian missile and nuclear capability. As usual the “experts” had no idea what they were talking about.  Their ignorance is a disgrace and a danger.

Here is an example of what Europe faces if war breaks out.

It is beyond belief the European governments are so utterly stupid as to be members of NATO.

