Netanyahu now says he doesn’t want a civil war in Lebanon

Writes John Leo Keenan:

Netanyahu told Le Figaro: “A new civil war in Lebanon would be a tragedy.  It is certainly not our aim to provoke one.  Israel does not intend to interfere in Lebanon’s internal affairs.”  He added, “Our only aim is to allow our citizens living along the Lebanon frontier to go home and feel safe.”  – October 16.

It’s incredible because he told the Lebanese people to stand up against Hezbollah in a video message nine days ago (October 8):  “I ask every mother and every father in Lebanon a simple question, is it worth it?  Because it doesn’t have to be that way.  I know you want a better future for your children, so I’m speaking to all of you today.  There is a better way, a better way for your children, for your cities, for your villages, for your country.  You deserve to restore Lebanon to its days of tranquility.  You deserve a Lebanon that is different, one country, one flag, one people.  Don’t let these terrorists destroy your future any more than they’ve already done.  Stand up and take your country back.  You have an opportunity that hasn’t existed in decades, an opportunity to take care of the future of your children and grandchildren, an opportunity to save Lebanon before it falls into the abyss of a long war that will lead to destruction and suffering like we see in Gaza.  It doesn’t have to be that way.  Each of you can take a step for your future, even a small step, you can make a difference.  I say to you the people of Lebanon, free your country from Hezbollah so that this war can end.  Free your country from Hezbollah so that your country…”     
