Modofanil for Hillary

Most likely, Mrs. Clinton’s interest in the drug, “modofanil” (provigil) was motivated by her concerns (or that of others) about ongoing and troubling issues of “fatigue” and “mental fog.” She is, after all, 68 years old, somewhat overweight, never much of an exercise enthusiast – as far as is known – hypothyroid, prone to clot formation, and a rather frequent sufferer of falls and various mishaps (“sniper fire,” and other threats to her well-being). This medication (modofanil, aka “provigil”) is known to be employed as a “brain-hack” among the Silicon Valley crowd, etc.  It demonstrably “revs up” alertness, attention, talkativeness (“gabbiness”), and “mental energy.” It is thought to be relatively safe and without concerning side-effects (unlike amphetamines – think Jack Kennedy).

The “Bullett-proof Coffee” guy (quality coffee with grass-fed sourced cow butter) is a vocal proponent of this “brain hack,” as are others among the Silicon Valley crowd. It has some “legitimate” indications, and is easily obtained by prescription to treat “shift-work-related” fatigue, etc. I would guess that she uses it for appearances – think Jimmy Kimble show – and at times when she must be “on” and energetic for the public, etc. I don’t personally have a problem with her (possible) use of the medication, per se. Further, I do not think that she demonstrates signs or evidence of Parkinson’s disease, either.

It is hoped that scrutiny of her campaigning (or lack thereof) going forward, along with assessment of her upcoming debate performance vs. “The Donald” will be revealing vis a vis her stamina and “actual” physical health. For those of us paying attention to the Clintons for these many years – as painful as it has been – the status of her psychological “health” has never been in doubt.
