Makes sense , in the current surreal state of existence

Writes Gail Appel:

Given that his supporters have less sense than Biden.

That said, the GOP and whoever is advising Trump and putting together  his “ team” is devoid of common sense. Unless I’m alone in finding his top surrogates and messengers … well… repugnant. Particularly Karoline Leavitt, Stephen Miller and Jason Miller .

Can’t stand Lara Trump, Don Jr or Kimberly Guilfoyle, either.

These are exactly the types who feed the left’s narrative.Would it kill them to opt for more persuasive, appealing messengers? Tulsi, Tammy Bruce, Rob Schmitt ( type)… Culturally connected … Tyrus, Leo Terrell, Sonnie Johnson… Former Dems are extremely persuasive. They have a better ability to reach a broad spectrum of disenchanted, on the fence, Independent, minority, disgusted with both parties, moderates… the Conservatives and religious zealots will still vote for Trump and Party. They don’t want Biden or the left in the White House. But surrogates who turn off everybody else  are coffin nails.
