Laughing at the Campaign

Writes Shane Kastler:

Trump, at least, is entertaining to listen to. He doesn’t always know what he’s talking about; but he also brings up issues that make the Republicans squirm. Anything short of the open idolatry of Israel will get you scorned, yet Trump (while supportive) is less than obsessed. Bashing George Bush’s war policy also sets neocons to screaming; and Trump does that well also. If it’s entertainment you want, then Trump provides it. And if he wasn’t in the debates I probably wouldn’t bother watching. I’m sure not tuning in for Marco the Mall Cop, Ted the Televangelist, Kasich the Shoe Salesman, or Ben the Bore. Nothing left to do now but sit back and watch who wins, and hope for Trump & Hillary so we can enjoy the incendiary tweets and volcanic debates of a woman who explodes anytime she’s questioned and a man who lives to goad people into such explosions.
