Kash Patel Drops a Bomb

Writes Gail Appel:

Paul Ryan, the Eddie Haskell of the UniParty Establishment. Mr. “ Romney is the Republican Gold Standard’” Oracle of  Obsolescence.

One really must appreciate the wisdom and wit of a guy who no only lost the 2012 debate to Biden, sweating bullets, glass of water sloshing in trembling hand, back hunched, shoulders drooping,and  lost his home state of Wisconsin as well.

Paul Ryan, beacon of morality and virtue, who with his shiny “ Gold Standard” model Pierre Delecto, who lost a debate to Obama at his weakest, most vulnerable moment.So thin skinned was Mitt, rather than coming back at Obama by answering the simplest question, turned his back , threw his arm up in frustration and walked away. Obama didn’t need to do a thing. He  won the election at that moment.

Paul Ryan, who never stood up to the Dems, but with his comrade in empty suits, Mittens, both took the opportunity to lambaste Trump’s response to Charlottesville, parroting the Dem/MSM false narrative of “ Good people” and slamming him for calling out Antifa. Who Ryan deigned.. kid you not, the heroes, the “ Good Guys”.

But there’s much more. Romney sponsored Joe Biden at his 2017 Utah “ Retreat”. Yuppers, Biden was the guest speaker, and with an invited audience of luminaries( aka pukes), including Ryan, Lindsey,McStain, Corker,Hatch,Kasich,Pelosi,Harry Reid…The topic? How to take down Trump by Mitt and Biden running on a “Unity Ticket”by.

 And there’s so, so, so much more.

See here.

