January 6th mom faces 30 years

From Martin H.:

Lew, in this 16-minute  interview, Sara Walton Brady (the mom from Idaho who was just cleared of charges after being arrested for taking her kids to the park during the scam-demic lockdowns) interviews her friend Yvonne St. Cyr, a ‘January 6th-er’ who is facing 6 felonies with a potential penalty of 5 years each (30 years total.)  Mrs. Cyr, who served 16 years in the U S. Marines & who loves her country, has a trial date of March 6. She says she turned down the feds offer of pleading to 2 misdemeanors, which would’ve garnered her a years probation

The interview is here.

And Mrs. Cyr’s fundraiser is here.

She is being represented by a federal public defender and has not been able to find work since her arrest.

