“Is Trump setting up his own assassination?”

Thanks,  John Leo Keenan:

“Trump says that if Iran does assassinate him, “which is always a possibility, I hope that America obliterates Iran, wipes it off the face of the Earth.””

Thank you for this news.  It’s another example that shows he is unfit to be president. 

RE: “assassination Coverup Proceeds”

“We are still waiting to hear why the Secret Service observed Crooks in shooting position for at least 20 minutes, allowed him to finish firing, assuming the firing came from Crooks whose dead body was seven feet from a rifle, and then waited another quarter of a minute before “neutralizing” Crooks.”

No reason to put the citizen there yet.  Crooks is the first victim if he is a patsy (he’s the patsy).

It’s a good point about the rifle.  I cited it too (quote below), but I didn’t want to point to his distance from the rifle because I was making another point (thesis point) and both are obvious.  Someone besides me should mention that the dead body is not lying at the apex of the roof, the only place from where he could see and shoot, and firmly say that he was only the patsy, also because of the rifle too far away from him, planted so.  The dead body in that picture with the rifle is a yard or more from the apex of the roof; how could anyone shoot to the other side from there even if holding a rifle (which the man filmed in the roof wasn’t as is evident in the TMZ video and all videos)?   The evidence against the young man is self-contradictory.  It is a terrorist case, typical one too.  The authorities continue to talk as if it weren’t a terrorist attack but, rather, a societal problem, saying things like “we can’t tolerate.”

I wrote:

“There is a government picture (taken from high above) that shows him dead on the roof, with a rifle a few yards to his left, but we also see him there too far below the highest point of the roof.”  (July 20, LRC)

