Interview With USS Liberty Survivor Relevant to Today’s Wars

Writes Ginny Garner:


USS Liberty survivor Phil Tourney was interviewed by podcaster Jake Shields. It is powerful. This unprovoked and deliberate attack by Israel on June 8, 1967 that killed 34 and wounded 174 onboard was covered up by the US government – specifically President LBJ, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and Admiral Kidd. This shameful historical event was intended as a false flag to be used as a pretext for the US to side with Israel against Egypt in the Six Day War. This war is when the Zionist state stole Gaza, the West Bank and Golan Heights. This attack is relevant today because it is when AIPAC took control of US foreign policy as James Bamford, author of the books “Body of Secrets” and “Puzzle Palace,” noted when he spoke at the latest reunion of the USS Liberty Veterans Association on the anniversary of the attack. Since October 7 of last year, millions of people – and growing – are now aware of the control by the Israeli lobby over America due to the widely reported genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza (200,000 murdered according to the Lancet Medical Journal) funded by the US. “The bombs we’re dropping have blood all over them,” Tourney notes. Maybe if enough Americans know the truth about the USS Liberty attack and treasonous cover up, and its significance to today’s wars, they will do something to end the funding of the genocide in Gaza and oppose any violent confrontation with Iran.
