Writes Gail Appel:
Hi Lew,
Hunter Biden acted as a go-between in Ukraine for the Pentagon/DoD to fund biolabs in Ukraine and elsewhere.
You think he’s acting as a protected agent? That there’s a connection with the bogus war and destroying the lab contents? That Hunter is the “ source” protected by Intel and the reason they are withholding documents? Uh.. gee.. a real head scratcher.
Factor in Kerry’s son( Hunter’s partner) and Cofer Black, W’s “ Foreign Threat Assessment “ team member” are all on the Burissma board.
But there’s more. Cofer Black’s teammates were … drumroll.. Robert Mueller and John Brennan. The tres hombres who managed to miss the 9/11 warnings.
Cofer Black was Romney’s foreign affairs security advisor during his 2012 campaign. Romney’s son, Tagg, also has a seat on the board in Ukraine.
Who is/was the lobbying agency for Ukraine? The Atlantic Council!
There is so much more, but I’m trying to act with restraint. How can the GOP “ investigative” committees not know?