House bill automatically registers males for draft?

Writes Darin Avery:


See here.

No surprise.

But how does the computer automatically register those who are biologically female but identify as male?  Or not register the bio males identifying as females?  Or the blender nonsense in between and abroad?

Reminds me of an exam question in a family law course i took in law school: if gay marriage becomes legal nationwide, what is to keep polygamy from doing so?  (It was 2007 or 2008 i believe)  I answered that the government would never allow it because it would facilitate tax evasion.

What do they have in common?  Politicians can pander all day, but when it comes down to reality, they cut the bs and deal in brass tacks, your brass tacks.  They will draft males either to win wars or to kill off opponents.  But they won’t draft females.  And the timing tells us what they likely have planned.


