Hope for Ann?

Writes Nate Schuette:

I found the clip of Ann saying Ron is good on domestic policy but his foreign policy is “insane”.  Stating “We won’t have a country” with his foreign policy.   Start at 2:00 in.

I say too little too late.  I still remember in 2007 when Ron was running early in the cycle and he was just starting to break out as a top tier candidate.  I remember watching Ann Coulter on the news saying, Ron is great on his domestic policy, but his foreign policy is horrible (paraphrasing).  I also remember Ron Paul leading the polls on Fox for who won the primary debate.  Ron was leading by a good margin.  Hannity was noticeably angry and started bashing Ron saying there was no way he won the debate.  Shortly thereafter Ron dropped down to second place.  I really believe that this was a critical juncture for Ron’s campaign.  He was a relatively unknown candidate but the people choosing for themselves liked him.  The snowball was starting to grow.  Then the supposed leading thinkers on the right, such as Ann, Hannity, and Rush quickly jumped into action to throw their weight against him.  He was from then on a fringe candidate.   

It’s always nice when someone comes to the truth.  The problem with Ann is she didn’t bill herself as someone on a journey of learning.  She billed herself as an expert and said people should listen to her.  She wrote “Shut Up and Sing”, an entire book on the idea that people should stick to what they’re good at and stop pretending to be experts in politics.  Well I don’t think she can sing, so I guess she should’ve just shut up!  Imagine how Ron’s campaign could’ve gone had these rightwing heavyweights thrown their weight behind him, instead of against him at that critical juncture.  I had given both Hannity’s and Ann’s books to my mother as a gift.  After seeing their true colors, by trashing a candidate that would actually cause change for everything they claimed to stand for, we literally tossed their books into the woodburner using Rush’s for kindling.  Ron Paul was the country’s last chance to save the nation from itself.  They rallied the people most likely to be his supporters against him, and for this the blood of the nation is on their hands.  They’re worse than the left.  If Ron’s campaign was a stampeding herd trying to break free on their journey to the slaughterhouse, the cowboys at the rear (the left) pushing the herd were the known danger, but Ann, Hannity, and Rush all ran to the front of the herd, disguising themselves as one of the us, and led us all back to the slaughterhouse, where we find ourselves now.

Sorry, but “oops”, a decade after the point of no return, isn’t good enough for me.  



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