Above is a disturbing video about how Hitler authorized the euthanasia of the disabled and mentally ill in Nazi Germany (and Austria which isn’t mentioned in the video).
If someone asks or defends Hitler saying that Adolph never ordered the killing of Jews, gypsies, etc. ask them about Hitler’s written and signed Euthanasia Letter.
The Catholic Church pushed back on these murders of children and the mentally ill. Good for them!
Today, the medical establishment is just as complicit with mass murder as it was in Nazi Germany:
Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed
Masked vs. Unmasked
Essential vs. Unessential
And don’t forget Henry Kissinger talking about eliminating the “useless eaters”.
Bill Gates and his ilk support this eugenics/race crap. This is why I get VERY upset with anyone who writes about “race” as a valid concept. Race is elitist and eugenics bullshit!
“They Think We are Crud!” Lt. Ripley from “Alien3”