General Michael Flynn

Writes Gail Appel:

A must watch-Mike Flynn interviewed by Patrick Bet-David.

Flynn was on Trump’s VP shortlist . The other three were Christie, Gingrich and Pence . ( Yeah, I know- awful). Flynn was the only one who would have cleaned house. He was spot on, spotless, unafraid and eschewed corruption, lobbyists, cashing in by selling out to the military industrial complex post government service. Disdained the Swamp,  the anointed,coverups, corporate overlords, intervention, coverups, lies and has exceptional foreign policy skill, diplomacy acumen where it benefitted establishing a peaceful outcome and mutual agreement. 37 years of service, awards, a Kennedy Democrat.

Obama not only lied in his Flynn smears, but also lied about N. Korea as an imminent threat.

Flynn was largely why I opted for Trump. Flynn loved America. No artifice or sanctimony. He loathed DC.

Newt, though smart and loyal was past his prime and reviled for instigating the Clinton impeachment. Purely political. Christie had too much baggage and Trump decided against Christie when the beach debacle  come to light. Pence was baggage laden and too far- religious fundamentalist socially. And a snake. Couldn’t believe he pulled it off. Thank God Tim Kaine performed so  terribly during the debate.

Flynn loathed the WEF, UN, WHO, NGOs and the Great Reset.

Flynn delivers big time in the interview.
