Ethereum: Freenet or Skynet?

Writes Robert Sniadach:

This snippet from the web page for this talk caught my eye:

“This talk will analyze the interplay between distributed autonomous organizations and the law, with a view to explore the dangers and opportunities of Ethereum: could this new platform promote the establishment of an entirely decentralized society, or will its disruptive potential eventually be absorbed by the established system?”

You may already be very aware of the upcoming decentralizing effects that blockchain/ethereum/bitcoin is and will continue to have on societies. What is so fascinating about it is the timing, and how it all comes together… we watch as Trump rides into DC on his black stallion, and the Grand Canyon-like divide btw camps in the USA is highlighted in stark contrast. All the political infighting has added even more psychedelic intensity to the already colorful jousting. Net result of all of it? Just as Gary North asserts today in his article Pulling The Plug: Consent of the governed is disintegrating, for the corruption is now obvious for everyone to see.

Whereas Gary suggests a timeline for the increasing undermining of Consent, correctly based on the continued monthly appearance of extra digits in automated bank accounts of the Governed, I think that the rude and relentless imposition of technologies will hugely speed up the Consent-destroying process. Gary also made the very interesting comment, “The Russian people had grudgingly accepted the legitimacy of the USSR right up until its last day. What happened was that the elites at the top lost faith in the system.” I have never looked at it this way… that the elites at the top lost faith.

With these amazing and wonderful new technologies at everyone’s fingertips, people will take the advantage. Their work and their transactions will quickly gravitate to anonymized, encrypted interaction. Swaths of privileged and protected professions and bureaucracies will simply dry up as people bypass them altogether. The old-style Black Market will become quite white, or at least grey… out in the open, but unassailable by govt, due to encrypted digital technology. Sure, govt will try its best to eliminate it Whack-A-Mole style, but Nimble Liberty-Loving Nerds will run continually circles around them, laughing all the while.

So, our job is not only to inform, educate and empower the scores of people who are considering jumping onto our bandwagon. It is also to make it ever more clear to TPTB that their authority and ability to control is quickly eroding right before their eyes. They will see, just as the Soviet Elites, that their continued ability to control is a lost cause.
