Environmental BS propaganda

Writes George Rizk:

Hi Lew,

It has been at least a decade since I have written to you.

Thank you very much for your platform. I have been the environmental compliance manager for an electric company for several decades. During my tenure, I monitored the Reagan push to study the “the acid rain” issue. The environmental gangs were complaining that the sulfur dioxide emissions has caused our lakes to be acidic? After we spent about one billion dollars measuring and monitoring all American lakes, there was a big study conclusions report that arrived at the WH ( by that time Reagan was gone, and Bush was in office)!  Bush, refused to read the report because it concluded that there was no Acid rain, and our lakes weren’t acidic. Bush simply went ahead and signed the stupid 1990 Clean Air Act, which introduced the cap & trade idea. Today, they want to duplicate that worthless concept on carbon dioxide.  The reason I am bringing in an old history is LOGIC/TRUTH are not important for our leaders to waste our money.

Pretty gov. Newscom taking his taxpayer’s money and giving it to the midget dictator in Ukraine is never to be discussed because the ruling gang also control the media. Do you think Rachel Madcow is going to be outraged?

Best regards, and Happy New Year.

