Dr. Jordan Peterson’s Psychological Analysis of Trump and his X-Men Team

Writes Tim McGraw:

Dr. Jordan Peterson’s Psychological Analysis of Trump and His X-Men Team

Hi Lew,

I enjoyed watching the video of Dr. Peterson doing his analysis of Trump, RFK Jr., Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, Vivek Ramaswami, and J. D. Vance. But I had to gag when Dr. Peterson said that there were no catastrophes in Trump’s four years in office. Has Dr. Peterson forgotten Trump/Fauci lockdowns, masks, “Warp Speed Vaccine,” and the economic and societal harm it did to the USA? Are we all just supposed to forget those three years that happened? The children lost IQ points and social skills. Some committed suicide. What about all the businesses that went bankrupt?

Dr. Peterson quickly mentions the explosion of government debt during Trump’s reign but fails to mention why the Fed printed trillions of dollars under Trump (Covid lockdown amelioration.)

Trump hurt my family, the town I live in, my friends, and the children. At least mention what Trump did, Dr. Peterson. That press conference on the Ides of March 2020 with Fauci at the podium was a disaster for us all.

