Crooked Dems

Writes Jack D. Douglas:

The Democrats have been masters at stealing elections since they created a long list of secret, crooked schemes in the last century. The Demo Daley Machine in Chicago is infamous for these schemes. LBJ did similar things in Texas and those two stole the 1960 presidential election from Nixon.

The whole System now is absolutely desperate to stop Trump from sweeping their vastly profitable crimes into the dustbin of history. They have already shown they will do whatever it takes to stop Trump from winning. They will certainly rig the System in scores of ways, as they rigged their own party to keep Master Criminal Madam Clinton in power.

Trump has to fight them with every legal spying and security measure possible and he must be ready to man the barricades legally  if they steal it anyway. That is perfectly legal self-defense for him and America. It is legal to stop criminals from committing theft of a nation by  using massive demonstrations and marches, especially since the police will be marching with  the Republicans. This will not be a Revolution. It will be law enforcement and totally moral and legal.


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