The Clinton-Obama Gang’s ‘Victory’

Writes Jack D. Douglas:

Initial “victories” often sow the seeds of ultimately catastrophic defeats. These defeats in disguise initially as victories are obvious throughout history and are known as Pyrrhic victories. The vastly successful Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor is a famous example. That led to vast  U.S. counter-attacks that destroyed Japan within roughly three years.

Knowledgeable and wise analysts of great victories always consider all of the likely consequences in the future in deciding whether they are really victories or only look like victories in the immediate situations.

The Clinton-Obama victory in Hillary’s year long struggle to avoid conviction and imprisonment for her vast security crimes and lies to the American people about her secret e-mail systems and servers when she was Obama’s Secretary of State looks at first sight like a great Media Victory for the Democratic Wing of the U.S. System.

But over the months and years ahead of us, this “victory” actually seems very likely to produce vast catastrophes for the Democrats or for our whole nation. Yesterday’s Great Victory was a Catastrophic Pyrrhic Victory in disguise.

The FBI director’s proclamation of Hillary’s “victory” was preceded by a very powerful legal case showing her hundreds of security crimes and “extreme carelessness” in handling State Department secret policy analyses, which went even further than the State Department’s Inspector General did in exposing Hilary’s vast lies and deceits to the American people and the world. > These were done by her own Party’s FBI and her own State Department staff.

The Republicans and others opposing her in the presidential election will be able to simply quote her own FBI Director’s stern denunciations of her crimes and lies and “extreme carelessness.”

By tomorrow the U.S. Congress will begin endless official investigations of the FBI decision and all of the evidence against Hillary and her staff and anyone else involved with them.

Meanwhile, the investigations of Hillary’s staff go on.

And, vastly more important, the investigations of the Clinton-Obama Gang’s acceptance of vast bribes from governments and corporations and individuals worldwide, which were handled on her secret servers and were the real reason for her secret servers at home, outside of the government information system, which would have revealed them to review and enforcement  officials, will go on in the Justice Department’s agency for investigating public corruption. At some point, that agency will almost certainly pronounce Hillary not indictable–and the serious investigations of that will begin in the Congress and beyond.

Meanwhile, Judicial Watch, a private legal foundation studying Hillary’s server systems and staff with the approval of the Judge handling all of this, continues its work.

There will be a great many new, unpredictable effects of all of this and the Gang will face a continual danger of new witnesses, new evidence, new charges that can destroy them. There are vast armies of people who will be digging frantically to find new legal evidence against the Gang for these vast crimes against America., including totally outraged FBI agents who have worked on this case and wanted the usual Grand Jury indictments to bring everything out into the open public arena for microscopic analysis.

And, worst of all by far, if Hillary does become President, she will continue to make incredibly stupid and careless decisions, such as those by her, Obama et al, that have mired us in vast Armageddon wars in the Middle East, North Africa, and Afghanistan.  All of those and our economy are getting worse fast. They will continue to do the same kind of stupid and careless things that got us into all of this. That will lead to ever worse catastrophes and eventual Implosion of this incredibly corrupt System they have built.

Obama keeps screaming on national TV that Hillary is better qualified to be president than any of our previous presidents. That, of course, is incredibly stupid, since Hillary is a nothing compared to Washington, Adams, Jefferson and scores of other presidents. That kind of incredibly stupid, arrogant ignorance [or lies?] will surely lead to vastly worse mistakes and catastrophes.

Obama promised when he became president he would get the U.S. out of Iraq and Afghanistan. He and Hillary helped to create ISIS and are now desperately sending more and more US military forces into Iraq, Afghanistan, and the whole vast area.

Hillary’s Pearl Harbor Pyrrhic Victory would be her conquest of America, a seeming great victory that would destroy  her and us and maybe mankind.
