Writes Butler Shaffer:
It is sad to report the death of yet another prominent libertarian science-fiction writer. Brad Linaweaver died on August 29th, just three days shy of his 67th birthday. A very thoughtful, creative, individual with a sharp sense of humor, Brad was involved not just in the writing of novels, but in writing, producing, and even performing in independent films. His best known novel, Moon of Ice, won the highly-respected Prometheus Award, while he also co-edited the libertarian sci-fi anthology Free Space, and published the movie magazine Mondo Cult. He traveled in the company of such science-fiction writers as Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, and even his friend William F. Buckley, Jr. One of his early articles – arguing for capitalism over socialism – was publicly praised by then president Ronald Reagan. Later in life, he wrote a book on how he had been wrong in supporting the Iraq War. Prior to its publication, he spoke at an LA supper club about his change in thinking. His patience was demonstrated – and certainly tested – as two attendees sat through his entire talk waving two small American flags and humming the “Star Spangled Banner.” He was calm and reasonable as he ignored them, winning over the rest of the audience in the process.
Our family enjoyed his visits to our home, as well as the talks he gave at libertarian supper-clubs. He was a good friend who could always be counted upon to raise ideas and questions that provoked deeper thought, far beyond the superficial one-liners such as “the government is no damned good!” The intelligent conversations, and his charming presence, will be missed.