Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has been summoned…

Writes Gail Appel:

I’m Jewish and Archbishop Vigano is my rabbi. Truth is the only religion . Truth will set you free.  God by any name is about truth. And it is being obscured and buried by those who have sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

In just the past few days, Biden has praised himself for truthfulness at least 35 times. And lied at least 150 times. The media pundits, journalists,reporters, politicians, bureaucrats, legal “ professionals”, “ medical professionals”, “ historians”, religious purveyors , data analysts, educators…. They are no longer capable of telling the truth. They’ve become such prolific liars , they’ve convinced themselves . And we exist within a population of brainwashed, braindead  incurious zombies who are satisfied to accept it.
