Thanks, David Martin. 

It’s still up on YouTube, where we posted it 12 years ago.  They decided to age restrict it a couple of years ago, obviously to make it less accessible to the general public, so our link is to the version on 153News.  

What’s important about this new book is who is writing it, Sgt. Dennis Fritz, the right-hand man of General Richard Myers, the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who was in the thick of all that went on, starting with 9/11.  There’s even a blurb for Sgt. Fritz, if not for the entire book, from Gen. Myers on the book’s Amazon page.  

Hardly surprisingly, according to one Amazon reviewer, Fritz doesn’t come completely clean, apparently accepting the 19-Arabs-with-boxcutters story about 9/11, but the book is about the almost unrelated war on Iraq.

U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003 because of Zionist interests that controlled George W. Bush, new book reveals –

This is hardly news.  See our video At What a Cost

