
180. Armor Yourself Against the Predator State

Charles Goyette lists the intellectual and financial weapons you need to protect yourself.

Against the destitution at our doorstep, governing classes will set wage and price controls, ration goods and services, institute death panels, militarize everything, remove the last little privacy people have, confiscate gold and silver, suppress alternatives to their worthless fiat, escalate their programs of identity theft and blackmail, further dumb us down by mainstream state propaganda media and public education warehouses, and torture ordinary citizens while they pretend that America is still God-chosen. This will be history repeating itself. Thus, in the face of these horrific crises, a remnant will have protected themselves and will survive by arranging to hold and hide physical gold and silver and by arming themselves through studies of Goyette’s book, The Dollar Meltdown, and Murray Rothbard’s works, with deeper understanding of this grim pattern.

Charles Goyette’s LRC Archives




179. The Espionage Act and the Death of American Freedoms

Naomi Wolf warns Lew Rockwell listeners that TSA and Wikileaks are Master-Slave fights, not Left-Right.

A deeply worried Naomi Wolf, author of The End of America, fears that both TSA actions and the threatened use of the 1917 Espionage Act against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, a journalist, signal a rapid escalation on multiple fronts toward the end of liberty for all of us. Historically, the state always uses the excuse of national security as a tactic to subjugate citizens, forcing nakedness and sexual intrusions upon us, unless and until, courageous acts of resistance and mass opposition finally force these totalitarians, like the TSA, to back down. But we must act if we are to have a chance.

All of Naomi’s books: Naomi Wolf Page.

Naomi’s Prior LRC Podcasts

Naomi’s website.

Naomi on Facebook.

Naomi’s numerous appearances as documented on YouTube.




178. Imitate Ayn Rand, Not Milton Friedman

Walter Block on teaching liberty.

Smart students are attracted to radicalism and root issues, not skirting the edges of ideas and compromising. If you aren’t a macho flash like Ayn Rand, at least make sure you never deny the truth and the ultimate goal. Rand has garnered many more converts than the vacillating central planner, Milton Friedman.

Walter Block LRC Archives



177. Taking a Bite Out of the Elephant

Lew Rockwell interviews Gary North.

Gary North describes how the productive ants are bringing down the state, which is stomping on their anthill. The state is big and dangerous, but it is also slow and stupid. The US Empire, foreign and domestic, will end because of its crazed spending and crazed money printing for war and welfare. The cost will be high, but the result is much to be desired. Then we can live as free men and free women.

Previous podcasts with Gary North:



176. Opt Out of the State

Lew Rockwell shares the latest production by WSPD interview host, Brian Wilson.

Lew Rockwell believes that only by opting out of the state can we save our hides and our wallets. TSA violations of inalienable rights have nothing to do with real security, are bad for your health and could destroy perfectly fine private airlines – the single group who actually cares about airline security. QE2 is massive inflationary printing that debases the money you do still have while we slide ever further into a deeper depression. Opt out of it all – flying, the banks, the schools, and the vaccines – as the TSA party, not the TEA party, stokes our anger and our opposition to control by creeps.

Brian Wilson’s website.



175. A Rodeo Clown Is Running the American Economy

Robert Wenzel tells Lew Rockwell tales of the incestuous bankocracy.

Obama’s Mother worked for Tim Geithner’s Dad, who headed micro financing in Asia, when she started micro financing in Asia for the Ford Foundation. So Geithner will be at the Treasury as long as he wants to be. Hank Paulson, not a deep thinker, rarely noticed the money supply, but paid close attention to his own and his friends’ immediate bonuses. Bernanke made sure that the amount of fresh money printed was equal to expected Wall Street bonuses. Arrogant and ignorant, Bernanke says the best thing about his job is not having to go through airline security like the rest of us. These members of the power elites may default on all federal debt. Or, more likely, Bernanke will burn up the presses printing debased dollars while he fearlessly fulfills his hyperinflation mission.

Wenzel’s website

Robert Wenzel: LRC Archives



Becky Akers: Control, Humiliate, Intimidate

Becky Akers on TSA and the state.

TSA is a microcosm of what government is. It strips, it fondles, it leers, it violates, it assaults, and does it all with camp-guard assurance and money looted from the productive. Its assaults and abuses cannot be tweaked or reformed; it must be abolished. No more must the Michael Chertoffs of the world grow rich off our degradation and oppression. Never put your child in their groping hands or before their naked cameras. No trip or vacation or visit is important enough. Airline security should be the business of the airlines, not a socialist agency dedicated to violating the 4th amendment as its daily bread. No more TSA!

Becky Akers: LRC Archives

Becky Akers: Podcast Airport Police State




173. America’s Going Fascist

Lew Rockwell interviews Gerald Celente.

From full-body scammers, to the digital inflation that makes the dollar not worth the money it’s not printed on, to a US-caused currency war, to trade wars, and then to real wars, the melding of State and corporate power is fascism, says Celente. Because the phony election cycle has aligned the incompetent with the inept, Celente keeps his money out of the banks and in gold and silver. Anyone who trusts the politicians or the banksters is in trouble. Don’t.

Gerald Celente is Founder/ Director of The Trends Research Institute. The Trends Research Institute publishes The Trends Journal.

Gerald Celente: on YouTube

Gerald Celente: on Facebook

Gerald Celente prior podcasts:


172. Our Monetary Mandarins

Jim Grant on the dollar, the Fed, and the future.

As America’s top export, the dollar is a global powerhouse that is still losing market share to that legacy monetary brand – gold. When we have had enough of the Bank of Bernanke, we will move forward to the simple, humble and workable people’s money – gold.

Jim Grant is editor of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer.

Also mentioned in the podcast: The Road to Serfdom.


171. Putting Bernanke On Trial

Ron Paul in conversation with Lew Rockwell.

With a new interest in Austrian Business Cycle Theory in all levels of society and new skepticism about the Fed, Ron Paul is looking forward to being chairman of the Monetary Policy subcommittee and the hearings he can hold.

Some previous podcasts with Ron Paul:


170. Lee Harvey Oswald Was a Patsy

Lew Rockwell interviews Don Adams.

Read a transcript of this podcast

Former FBI agent Don Adams helped investigate the Kennedy assassination at the time, and smelled a rat right away. But it was not until 1993 that he knew Oswald was set up by LBJ, Hoover, and the other DC gang members. He has since dedicated his life to telling the truth about this coup d’état.

Donald A. Adams website

From An Office Building With A High Powered Rifle and The Story From the Inside DVD set.


169. Keeping Us Sick, Stupid, and Broke

Don Miller, M.D., on what the state-pharma complex has in mind for us.

There are vital health ingredients that we need but can’t get enough of like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Iodine. Then, there are the harmful elements pushed upon us by the State,which we should not be getting at all, like fluoride which causes brain disorders, vaccines which cause autism and statins which inhibit healthy cells. Dr. Miller keeps close watch on government-enslaved doctors and the lying propaganda of the pill-pushers.

Donald Miller’s website

Donald W. Miller, Jr.: Archives

Full Episode List

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168. Jim Rogers Q&A

Recently, when Jim was at the Mises Institute to receive the Schlarbaum Prize, he took questions from Lew, and then the audience, on freedom, central banking, gold, silver, Wall Street, commodities, expatriation, living in Singapore, the future of the US, European, and Asian currencies and commodities, investing and many other topics.

Jim Roger’s website

Previous podcasts with Jim Rogers:

Jim Roger’s Archives on LRC

167. The American Empire: Arrogant, Ignorant, Hypocritical

A podcast with Eric Margolis on the US and its wars.

We are headed for more war. In Afghanistan, Eric Margolis sees a weak Obama being sucked into tribal politics that puts us on the wrong side of the Pashtun majority. In Pakistan, he sees an extremely unwise expansion to the south; it is Cambodia déjà vu. Neocon hawks push for seizure of Pakistani atomic weapons. India, too, wants Pakistan defanged. Eric also discusses the outrageous hypocrisy of the biggest violator of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty – the US – saying yes to nukes for Israel and India, while saying no to nukes for Muslims.

Eric Margolis’ website.


166. Global Warmingites Are Enemies of Civilization

Lew Rockwell interviews Dr. Tim Ball

Tim Ball on the academic and political propaganda behind Algorism, its destruction of dissenters’ lives and careers, its promotion of the total state and world government, and its astounding lies. Yet its lies have been exposed, and its vicious cause pushed back. Dr. Ball explains how, and the lessons for all of us.

Dr. Tim Ball: Archive of recent articles on Canada Free Press

165. Schiff: Gold, Not Paper

Peter Schiff in conversation with Lew Rockwell.

George W. Bush famously blamed the economic crisis on Wall Street getting drunk. Sure, said Peter Schiff, but who supplied the liquor? It was Greenspan and the Fed, and Bernanke is still at the bar, handing out free booze. The result has been a continuing depression, with smart business people moving overseas. All is not lost, by any means. We just need sound money, saving and investment, and an end to government meddling and confiscation. Sounds like science fiction, but in a crisis, good things can happen as well as bad.

Schiff’s LRC Archives

Schiff in previous podcasts:

Peter Schiff popular YouTubes:

164. Deliberate Dumbification of Education

Mark Carbonaro of KION 1460 AM Monterey, California Interviews Lew Rockwell.

163. Dissent on HIV/AIDS

Lew Rockwell interviews Brent Leung, director of the new documentary, House of Numbers.

A highly controversial documentary film, House of Numbers, made by Canadian director Brent Leung, has won thirteen international awards for its look into the shaky statistics that drive vast HIV/AIDS funding, and the amazing differences of opinion among top scientists about what it is, and how to treat it. As with so much else, the official story has holes, as many get rich off other people’s money, and patients suffer.

162. Overthrow the Universities (and the Public Schools, too)

Gary North is interviewed by Lew Rockwell

The university system, like the public schools, is a key pillar of the regime. But even pillars cannot stand against the digital market, as Peter Drucker first pointed out. See Mises Academy and Khan Academy for a taste of what’s coming.

161. The Persistence of Red-State Fascism

Undoubtedly there are good conservatives, but the conservative movement, political and intellectual, is properly dubbed red-state fascist. The ugly combination of nationalism, militarism, and the corporate state must be rejected by anyone who cares about liberty and civilization.


160. Stop Demagoguing the Mosque

by Ron Paul, as read by Stephanie Murphy

Devotion to the right to own property should have easily halted the nasty and hysterical opposition to the building of the New York City Islamic cultural center. Instead, sinister neocon politicians and media tpes are demagoguing the issue, to try to justify perpetual war in the Middle East. For the sake of peace and freedom, we must stop demonizing Islam, and defend the property rights of all people.


159. War and Central Banking

Scott Horton interviews Lew Rockwell

Mass killing and mass counterfeiting: go together like a horse and carriage. Lew and Scott discuss the two signature activities of the state, and why we should not lose heart in the midst of massive state growth and crime sprees.

Scott Horton Show on Antiwar Radio


158. Islamocapitalism

Lew Rockwell interviews Mustafa Akyol

Is Islam compatible with free markets? Turkish journalist Mustafa Akyol points out that the vast majority of the world’s 1.2 billion Muslims are tolerant, peaceable and reasonable people whose lives do not make the news. The blowback of terrorism is the result of Western colonialism and the CIA’s promotion of fundamentalism in its Afghan war on the Soviets.

Islam was founded by a successful merchant, and the religion was largely pro-market until the colonial disease of socialism infected the Muslim world. The Koran calls the merchant the most honorable man, saying that nine of ten of God’s bounties come from trade.

See on Mustafa’s website (the site is intermittently blocked) http://www.thewhitepath.com (the meaning of his name in English) his:

Mustafa’s five YouTubes on Islam & Freedom: The Turkish Experience:

157. ‘We don’t need no education. We dont need no thought control. No dark sarcasm in the classroom. Teachers leave them kids alone.’

Lew Rockwell interviews John Taylor Gatto

Mr. Gatto quit as a public school teacher in order to stop harming kids. He had discovered that institutional schooling is designed to prevent the natural genius of children from emerging. Public schools impose a state of permanent incompletion to our kids, by teaching habit-training, not intellectual development. The power elite deliberately suppresses independent and critical thinking, to make us obedient citizens and consumers. Gatto, author of the best-selling Weapons of Mass Instruction, Dumbing Us Down, and The Underground History of American Education, discusses how the twenty elite boarding schools teach their students according to ancient principles, and homeschoolers and unschoolers are doing the same.

Gatto’s website

Gatto’s most recent article on LRC: The Public School Nightmare: Why fix a system designed to destroy individual thought?

156. The Invisible Government

A podcast with Russ Baker.

Read a transcript of this podcast

Lew and investigative reporter Russ Baker discuss the permanent but invisible government: the merchants of death, the bankster-state alliance, rotten American exceptionalism, and the Bush Family as rich and dangerous agents of the Rockefeller world empire. Samuel Bush, Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush–what a rogues’ gallery. BTW, was George Bush involved on the Kennedy assassination?

Russ Baker’s website

WhoWhatWhy.com: Forensic Journalism


155. Gold, Oil, and the Dollar

Ron Paul in conversation with Lew Rockwell

Ron talks with Lew about gold’s verdict on the dollar, how government helped bring on the oil spill, the Fed’s machinations and the attempt to audit it, and the rotten foundations of the world financial system. Yet amidst bad news, millions of young people are studying Austrian economics and libertarianism. They know the crimes of the Fed, and why we need reform. In any event, reform is coming, as the shaky greenback and world dollar system go down. Meanwhile, independent voters want Ron for president against Obama and other Republicans. GOP primary voters are a different matter.


Previous podcasts with Ron Paul:

154. Take Your Money Out of the Banks

A podcast with Joseph Salerno.

Economist Joe Salerno explains that it is important to move your money from megabanks to less-unsound, smaller ones, and to stop using fractional banks at all, to the extent you can. As Joe explains, every time you take cash out of a bank, you hinder the bank-Fed-state combine, and perform a public service. Joe and Lew also discuss the problems of the current money and banking system, how shaky it is, and what a free market alternative would look like.

Fundamentals of Economic Analysis: A Causal-Realist Approach MP3CD
More from Joe Salerno: Daily Articles, Literature, Media, and a book coming out soon, Money: Sound and Unsound.


153. We Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet

A podcast with Gerald Celente.

What does the state-bank-military complex plan next? As the second stage of the financial crisis hits, says Gerald Celente, we can expect them to start another war to divert people’s attention from the wholesale robbery of the productive. He also fears that WWIII will start when Israel or the US attacks Iran. It could go nuclear, or involve biological WMD. But that won’t prevent the default of the UK, Spain, Ireland, and the rest, and the continued rip-off the people by the “Harvard-Princeton-Yale-Bullets-Bombs-Banks” regime. The result, says Gerald, will be worldwide civil unrest. This is, after all, a bunch that can’t stop an oil leak. He tells us what he is doing to protect himself.


Gerald Celente is Founder/Director of The Trends Research Institute. The Trends Research Institute publishes The Trends Journal.

Gerald Celente: Archives on LRC

He was previously interviewed in episodes:

Naomi Wolf: Obama’s Satanic Rogue Empire

Lew Rockwell interviews Naomi Wolf

All of Naomi’s books: Naomi Wolf Page.

Obama: Pay No Attention to Unofficial News Sources

View a trailer of her film; buy Naomi’s Movie.

Naomi’s Prior LRC Podcast America’s Slow-Motion Fascist Coup.

Naomi’s website.