World Health Organization Caught Lying. There Was No Bird Flu Death in Mexico.


You can watch Mr Alcocer’s statement HERE   (translated into English)

You can watch his statement in the original Spanish HERE.

The World Health Organization had claimed a person’s death in Mexico was due to the “first laboratory-confirmed human case of infection with an influenza A (H5N2) virus.”

This was not true

From 100 Percent Fed Up:

The patient’s medical profile clearly shows bird flu played zero role in his death.

The patient, a 59-year-old resident of the State of Mexico, had no history of exposure to poultry or other animals.

“The case had multiple underlying medical conditions. The case’s relatives reported that the case had already been bedridden for three weeks, for other reasons, prior to the onset of acute symptoms.” 

Now, Mexico’s Health Secretary has pushed back against claims that bird flu caused the patient’s death.

Jorge Alcocer Varela dismissed the WHO’s announcement that the 59-year-old’s death was due to the bird flu strain.

Other media from around the World also reported the WHO’s lie:

And from Turkey:

Mexican Health Secretary Jorge Alcocer on Thursday denied an announcement by the World Health Organization (WHO) that a man’s death in Mexico was caused by a strain of bird flu that had never before been found in a human.

During a morning briefing, Alcocer rebuffed the WHO’s announcement and assured that the 59-year-old man, who was reported to have died from the A(H5N2) strain of avian influenza, “died from other causes, mainly kidney and respiratory failure.”

Alcocer urged people to remain calm and to take the WHO’s announcement with caution because it is “not accurate.”

MM Comment:

The WHO has an agenda of fomenting fear and consistent record of creating panic.

Please don’t get sucked in and – please – share this with all those you care about.

Thank you.


6:35 pm on June 11, 2024