Will Tucker Carlson Reveal The High Level Source Which Confirmed That The Deep State Murdered JFK In A Regime Change Coup d’état?

After the powerful and impactful Tucker Carlson Tonight episode of Thursday, December 15, 2022 on the JFK assassination, the Warren Commission, and the fifty-nine year duplicitous cover-up of the brutal murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, will he reveal the identity of the high level source which confirmed the deep state’s role in the regime change Coup d’état? Will this mysterious individual come forward and confirm that from secret documents and classified files he has seen and is well familiar with confirming the scholarly consensus among presidential historians, distinguished political analysts, and JFK assassination researchers that on November 22, 1963, an insidious coup d’état by Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and the highest echelons of the National Security State was accomplished with the brutal murder of President John F. Kennedy?

Will Tucker host his most important interview ever with this person who will finally reveal the hidden truth on the airwaves of that fateful Friday in Dallas fifty-nine years ago, the truth which lies at the inner most depth, the dark clotted heart, of what observers now describe as the deep state. the truth which led to perhaps the single most important series of events affecting the subsequent history of our nation?

In other words, will Tucker boldly interview former President Donald Trump, who will outline the murder, coup d’état, and cover-up, and how these events tie in to the deep state’s war against his own presidential administration, much as it did that of JFK.

Will Trump reveal how this intense deep state war led to the five year siege of his regime and the phony Russiagate scandal, the two impeachment attempts and the 2020 election fornication leading to the installation of the incompetent, decrepit and delusional usurper Joe Biden? 


5:48 am on December 16, 2022