Will There Be A Democrat Convention At All?

I worked in Chicago’s loop in 1968, and saw the convention frivolities close up.

Mayor Daley was in charge. That spring he had threatened to allow police to “shoot looters” and the looting stopped.

When the convention rolled around in August, police were prepared.

This time the police will not only be unprepared, there won’t be any police at all.

Odds are against the convention happening on site anywhere. Last night slammed the door on it.

Today The Hive is aghast. It’s not about resuscitating Brandon’s cadaver any more, it’s how to seize the Correlation of Forces and bring the revolution – and reality itself – to a new level.

For Marx and Hegel, that meant both to destroy and to preserve, while perfecting.

It must however be violent.

Closest parallel I can imagine is Russia 1917.


10:14 am on June 28, 2024