Who Was Eric Voegelin?

Who was Eric Voegelin?

Voegelin and the Austrian School: A Philosophical Dialogue

See Chapter IV. “Gnosticism the Nature of Modernity” in The New Science of Politics  (page 175 in text; 193 in online edition)

Gnosticism and Modernity: Voegelin’s Reconsiderations Twenty Years after The New Science of Politics

Utopian Nightmares and Gnostic Political Religions  (Amazon book list)

Modern Political Religions

According to Eric Voegelin, “ideologies destroy language inasmuch as the ideological thinker has lost contact with reality and develops symbols for expressing not reality but his state of alienation from it.” Moreover, the destruction of language precedes the rise of types like Hitler. This destruction of language distorts reality and pervades public discourse and discussion even today. The restoration of reality can come only with the restoration of language.

“The core of the Marxian conception of history is that the nature of man can be changed. In order to achieve it you must first ask no questions concerning the structure of humanity. Now, the question of humanity is always existence, and the ground of existence. Or as technically called, the etiological question.”

Eric Voegelin and Ideology: Socialism and Communism

Science Politics & Gnosticism by Eric Voegelin: https://amzn.to/2Is36ZS

The New Science of Politics: An Introduction by Eric Voegelin: https://amzn.to/2MxUENT

Modernity Without Restraint by Eric Voegelin: https://amzn.to/30y0Et6

The Eric Voegelin Reader: Politics, History, Consciousnes: https://amzn.to/2VSxwOr


5:56 pm on January 1, 2021

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