Fines are mounting against a Santa Clara County church that is holding in-person, indoor services, against repeated warnings from public health officials.
“Warnings”? What damnable propaganda! They aren’t “warnings” if fines accompany them: they are unconstitutional diktats.
Neighbors of the church are concerned about the spread of the novel coronavirus. They don’t want to be identified, but they asked the I-Team’s Dan Noyes to investigate.
Yeah, I’ll bet they did. Usually, the sources that don’t want to be identified are slandering Trump; looks as if Ol’ Dan’s relying on similar deceit in the absence of any actual complaints from actual neighbors.
Meanwhile, the twerp does more than “investigate.” He proceeds to file a hit piece against the church, slandering it as badly as if the “Public Health” Department employed him directly:
Crowds have streamed into Santa Clara’s North Valley Baptist over the past several weeks; the church can hold 3,000 people. I went there on a recent Sunday to ask why they are breaking state and county guidelines that help prevent the spread of the virus, and what steps they might be taking to protect the congregation.
Yo, Dan: did you also ask if they still beat their wives?
We’ve met Dan’s chief victim, Pastor Jack Trieber, before, nor has his courage diminished. He
told the congregation Sunday night, “What a wonderful day in God’s house with a great crowd.”
Trieber said the service marked six months since the church was shut down over the pandemic. Since resuming services, he’s been hit with $102,500 in fines.
He appealed to county officials, “One, I’m asking you to stop all fines. And two, I’m asking you to remove all fines. This is not Caesar’s money. This is God’s money.”
Would that the Lord raises up more men of the cloth to proclaim such truth as fearlessly as Pastor Trieber! Perhaps our hero repeated these words verbatim in Dan’s hearing from a video at the church’s website, but if not, if Dan did indeed extract them from said video, he didn’t link to it. And I consider that a tribute to Rev. Trieber’s compelling appeals to the First Amendment as he denounces the state’s harassment. He just as compellingly calls for his fellow shepherds to stand with him against this wickedness.
Last month as well, Rev. Trieber courageously announced in the face of mounting fines, “We’re going to have church … It’s essential.” You bet the plate it is.
Mrs. Trieber is as brave as her husband. That coupled with her sage advice naturally incurs Dan’s ire:
his wife sent an email to the members with “permission from pastor” saying, “You can survive COVID! It is not a death sentence. … should you get COVID, the less you talk about it, the better off EVERYONE will be! Doctors will ask you questions, shake their heads and then turn in their ‘report’ to the county.”
How did Dan get his hands on this email? Sounds as if the church has a spy in its midst.
Let’s join Mary, who sent me this disgusting sample of journalistic malpractice, in praying mightily and daily for believers in California under such Satanic persecution. And what about conducting a vigil of prayer in Sacramento? What if hundreds of thousands of Christians from across the country converged on the capitol, interceding with the Almighty to avenge His Name and protect His people against abusive government? What if hundreds of thousands of patriots, regardless of their faith, also showed up to defend the liberty Californiastan is decimating?
12:01 pm on September 12, 2020