From the plandemic’s start, the clergy’s uniform response to it has astounded not only me but most of you, based on the emails I receive. How was it that churches of all denominations and even across the Great Schism between Protestant and Catholic reacted identically, regardless of their traditions, varying understandings and emphases on Scripture, histories, and cultures? How could a Greek Orthodox church in Buffalo close the same week as a Southern Baptist one in Mobile while both parroted, “We’re shutting our doors because we love our neighbors and to honor Our Rulers per Romans 13”?
This becomes even more suspicious when we look at other faiths—faiths that oppose Christianity. Specifically, Judaism. Yes, I know: the collectivists often speak of our “Judeo-Christian heritage.” But the fact is that Jesus Christ is Christianity’s raison d’etre. We believe He is precisely Who He claimed to be, the one and only Son of God. Judaism utterly rejects this central tenet. The two faiths differ from one another more than night does day.
And yet synagogues behaved exactly as churches did when Leviathan enforced house-arrest this past March.
Dina, a Jewish congregant, tells me that her temple closed as quickly and irrationally then as churches did:
…my synagogue, which typically has a large crowd on Friday but rarely more than [10 adults] on Saturday … immediately stopped our services[. We] have been getting weekly letters from our well-meaning rabbi to basically bend over and follow the government’s orders. (Ok he didn’t say that, but it’s what it amounts to.) I was shocked and angry–why stop Saturday services? Just because the mayor told us to? There would be 10 of us in a HUGE building!
Intriguingly, the “reason” her rabbi offered is a tweak on churches’ “we-love-you-all-so-much-we’re-closing” nonsense: “…a Jewish principle of pikuach nefesh,” as Dina put it, or “saving a life.”
Like Christians using the brain God gave us, Dina immediately saw through this absurdity: “I am SO thoroughly disgusted by our synagogue’s bowing to the authorities–I’ve written a letter to our rabbi and another one to our board and rabbi.” In them she rehearsed the stunningly low levels of both infections and fatalities that so many of us have presented to Parson Goat. She also pointed out that the rabbi hadn’t cancelled services during previous bouts of flu and that anyone fearful or sick could refrain from meeting while the rest of the congregation assembled.
Eerily, Dina’s cleric dismissed her very sensible protest just as Parson Goat did ours. In this case, the rabbi’s two answering sentences ignored the substance of her comments while hoping she stays well. Which is better than my (former) pastor, who accused me of “harshness” and “ruining our friendship” when I objected to closing our church.
Meanwhile, Dina draws a frightening analogy between the current hysteria and a previous one:
We are Jews! Why would we immediately bend to a government recommendation [to suspend worship]–which was not a law or even a public health order at that point? I could already see shades of Nazi Germany. … Sequestering a certain population for “the common good,” based on “science,” then prohibiting interaction in society unless acceptable status is proven–and outliers identified by having a mark/tattoo/biometric chip. How is that different? It’s not! So … where are all the Jews? Why aren’t we speaking up? Why are we submitting like blind sheep? …
Dina, we may as well ask that of all the serfs, regardless of their beliefs or ethnicity.
…if everything at synagogue is discussed as if only one narrative is true, or synagogue policies are so insane or restrictive that I find them intolerable and supportive of a tyrannical government, I will stop attending—and go somewhere that supports freedom of thought and action. Lack of freedom affects everyone–and we Jews most of all. … Just last week, rioters were setting things on fire, looting, etc., in NY. But the police instead target[ed] Jewish moms in the park with their kids. …
The Nazis required Jews to go to ghettos, and get ID’d with a yellow star—separated and ID/tattooed so they wouldn’t contaminate the pure Aryans—all in the name of science and for the greater good of the group. … I’d like to know what the difference in that scenario is, and the one that Gates and Fauci and their ilk are proposing with their contact tracing, vaccines, and biometric tattoos as proof of immunity–if one wants to go out into society and interact. There is no difference. Especially because it’s all based on lies. …
And regarding [my temple’s] stopping our services before it was even mandated? Just because a mayor said we had to? …I feel like saying, “REALLY? We are Jews and we are going to bend over to government so easily? Didn’t we learn anything in the Holocaust?” … We could take some lessons from these pastors that are being assaulted by the police for no reason. … I don’t want to be a sheep that willingly goes to slaughter.
…When my chiropractor … heard me say my synagogue stopped meeting–The first thing out of his mouth was, “I can’t believe the Jews would accept this so easily!” I had nothing to say because I couldn’t believe it either.
She adds,
The virus is not the true issue. It’s a distraction from what’s really going on while everyone is sequestered and glued to their propaganda boxes. There are many parallels to 1930s Germany.
Yep. And foremost among them is the diabolical determination to destroy freedom. As Michael Alford, another of LRC’s readers, concludes,
Liberty in God’s economy has always been predicated upon righteousness. God gives liberty so that people can serve Him and when people use that liberty as a cloak for maliciousness, God withdraws His liberty.
Which explains the USSA’s hurtle toward totalitarianism as well as any account I’ve seen.
2:55 pm on July 8, 2020