When Respect For American History Trumps the NDAA

Ah, the National Defense Authorization Act, familiarly known to its millions of beneficiaries as the NDAA—a mandatory bill for almost 60 years since it steals our money to finance the American military. Or, as the National Military Family Association puts it,

there’s at least one thing Congress gets done reliably every year: they pass a defense authorization.

That’s good news for military families.

Oh, indeed, even if not for their relatives and friends.

The annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) covers just about every aspect of military family life. Pay, benefits, TRICARE, even the commissary – anything affecting your life as a military family is addressed – and budgeted for – in the NDAA.

The NDAA is passed every year. 

Astounding, isn’t it, that the victims haven’t yet revolted against this annual extortion. Truly, “mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

That means that every year, military family advocates like us are able to make life a little bit better for you and your family.

…this is when your voice can be heard – and your needs met.

Is it me, or is that an echo of Marx?

Needless to say, every president signs the NDAA with alacrity, regardless of what’s riding along with it, so he can brag about his support of “our troops.” Indeed, not even including a prescription of “indefinite detention” for American citizens delayed Comrade Barack Obummer’s autograph in 2012.

But this year, guess who’s throwing a monkey wrench into the Machinery of Thievery! Yep, The Donald! Even better is why: 

President Donald Trump is threatening to veto legislation to fund the military as one of his final acts in office unless a widely supported, bipartisan provision 

Thank you, NBC Propagan–sorry, News, for cramming your opinion down our throats.

to rename military bases honoring Confederate military leaders is removed …

Compare this stellar defense of American culture and history with Obummer’s utter betrayal of fundamental, Constitutional principle.

And remember that contrast when the revolution comes.


10:50 am on December 1, 2020