As Our Rulers gin up more hysteria over “Killer COVID,” Parson Goat is hopping to. Don Foster in California received this drivel from his preacher:
Dear Church Family,
On Monday, November 16th, 2020, Governor Newsom moved [our] County back into the purple tier for COVID-19 restrictions. This means that places of worship must close their doors for public indoor gatherings.
No, it doesn’t. It means that the State’s lackeys will close their doors for public indoor gatherings.
Over the last month while the congregation was gathering indoors, our team had been watching the infection rate and we knew the order to close would be coming. It was during that time I went into deep prayer and fasting
Oh, how spiritual! And did you lose enough weight from your fast to fit into sheep’s clothing, Parson Wolf? (Yeah, I know: the whole zoo is here…)
about what our response as a church should be. As I prayed and searched the scripture it was clear that this is not the time for civil disobedience.
I’m not only shaking my head, I’m upchucking. Too bad this complicit nincompoop wasn’t around during the American Revolution: Patriots would have tarred and feathered him, thereby teaching him to fear God, not politicians.
Our public indoor weekend services will be closed until further notice. I know this is disappointing for many of you,
“Disappointing”? Try “heretical”!
please believe this is not the decision my flesh wanted me to make.
Hmmm. Sounds as if your flesh is far more devout than your mind and soul.
Unfortunately, I cannot ignore what the Spirit has prompted in me, especially when it coincides with the Word of God (Romans 13:1-10 and 1 Peter 2:13-17).
WRONG. Hebrew 10:25 commands us not to forsake assembling together, and “the Spirit” never contradicts the written Word (though your misinterpretation of these passages does mire us in discrepancies).
Meanwhile, what about Judges 9, I Samuel 8, Psalm 2, Luke 4 (with Satan implying that he owns government when he offers to “give” it to Christ), and the books of Ezra and Nehemiah? You may recall from the last two that the Persian king permitted his Jewish captives to return to and rebuild Jerusalem—-but they suffered massive opposition from the governors there (and they physically fought it, too, rather than whining that “the Spirit” counseled them to cooperate). Rather like our situation today, as the President and Dr. Scott Atlas urge us to defy these tyrants, while the tyrants themselves set new records in despotism.
May I ask, Parson Wolf-Goat, why you’ve chosen to heed Sanballat rather than the king—and, even worse, the King of kings?
While many churches in our area are beginning to practice civil disobedience and continue to gather publicly,
How we praise the Lord for them!
I do not believe this is the time [for us] to do so.
If not now, when, you despicable worm?
If you have questions or thoughts, I would love to schedule a time to talk about it.
Oh, boy, do I ever. But I assure you, you really, really don’t want to hear them.
…While deeply disappointed about the Governor’s decision, I am truly excited for the plan the Lord
Don’t you dare blame Him.
has given us for this Christmas season. Jesus promised us “in this world we will have trouble” but I have chosen to remain defiantly confident that he will pull us through this difficult time.
“Defiantly confident”!!!! Is this guy delusional or what?
As if that final paragraph weren’t sufficiently nauseating, he signed his missive,
Much Love,
[Parson Wolf-Goat]
A few years ago, the novelist Lela Markham and I conducted “a series of ‘conversations’ … about anarcho-capitalism, political government, and the Bible.” Mark Carroll kindly compiled these into pdf format. Those of you battling a Parson Goat may find that it affords you much ammunition. It’s yours for the asking when you email me.
4:26 pm on November 19, 2020