“What is it that You Fellas Do that You’re So Damned Proud Of?”

So asked Pat Buchanan on “Crossfire” several decades ago while discussing “gay pride” parades.

Heterosexuals don’t hold parades to celebrate that they have sexual relations, fly funny looking flags, or get the government to declare a whole month to be Heterosexual Fornication Pride Month.  What’s up with that, anyway?  Almost all Americans have long had a who-the-hell-cares-what-you-do-in-bed attitude.  Most, I would argue, resent having other peoples’ sexual behavior constantly pushed in their faces on television, movies, schools, social media, colleges and universities, and elsewhere.  It’s all virtue signaling run amok by people who apparently believe that there’s nothing in the world more virtuous than what Pat Buchanan was referring to.


1:45 pm on June 4, 2022

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