Watergate Q&A: America’s Untold Stories With Eric Hunley and Mark Groubert

Welcome to a special episode of America’s Untold Stories! In this groundbreaking episode, hosts Mark Groubert and Eric Hunley dive into the first-ever Watergate Q&A session. This is a unique opportunity for fans and history enthusiasts to get answers to their burning questions about one of the most significant political scandals in American history.

What You Can Expect
Mark and Eric have previously explored various aspects of the Watergate scandal through their in-depth episodes. They’ve covered intriguing figures such as G. Gordon Liddy, Frank Sturgis, and Bernard Barker. Additionally, they have provided comprehensive overviews with insights from Geoff Shepherd, a key figure in understanding the intricacies of Watergate.

Now, in this interactive session, they will be responding to your questions directly. Whether you’re curious about the motivations behind the break-in, the roles played by different individuals, or the aftermath of the entire scandal, this is your chance to gain deeper insights.

Whether you’re a history buff, a political junkie, or simply someone who loves a good mystery, this Watergate Q&A promises to be a captivating experience. Don’t miss the chance to see history from a new angle and get answers.

Watergate Plus 52 Years: The Backstory of What We Now Know

Watergate Plus 52 Years: The Backstory of What We Now Know

The World Behind Watergate,
by Kirkpatrick Sale

The World Behind Watergate

The Hughes-Nixon-Lansky Connection: The Secret Alliances of the CIA from WWII to Watergate,
by Howard Kohn

The Key to Watergate

The Key To Watergate

Watergate’s Known Unknowns, by Jim Hougan

Watergate’s Known Unknowns, by Jim Hougan

It’s the 40th Anniversary of the Watergate Conspiracy

My LRC article above is cited in Roger Stone’s excellent book, Nixon’s Secrets: The Rise, Fall, and Untold Truth About the President, Watergate, and the Pardon (see pages 439, 440, 492) in the section dealing with the Watergate break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters.

“Richard M. Nixon and Organized Crime,”
by Jeff Gerth


5:16 pm on June 25, 2024

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