Should you ever need an emetic, grab this clip of Comrade Andrew Cuomo, Evil Emperor of New York, and the country’s most quoted liar, Anthony Fauxchi, chortling that they’ll produce and star in propaganda for the vaccine. They actually compare themselves to two of Hollysewer’s–sorry, Hollywood’s biggest names; The Hill condenses their megalomania to “Cuomo to Fauci: “We’re like the modern day De Niro and Pacino.” astutely reads between the lines to announce, “Bad Actors Cuomo & Fauci Admit They’re Just Acting!”
Gary from Central Florida sent me this story (thanks, Pal: it’ll be a long time before I recover my appetite. And let me confess that I couldn’t endure the entire, endless 2 minutes and 37 seconds of Hell here; to calm my skyrocketing blood-pressure, I quit watching when Guano “thanks God”—repeatedly, no less—for Fauxchi’s “work”). At any rate, Gary rages, “Millions out of work, thousands of businesses destroyed and its yuk it up time for these 2 pathetic excuses for human beings. After watching this nauseating display of these 2 sociopaths my main thought was should they be hung or put before a firing squad when the proper moment arrives?”
At one particularly nauseating point, Guano gushes that he’ll be the first to roll up his sleeve. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t a vast shortage of doses the Vaxxers’ chief concern right now? Yet Guano will selfishly hog one, no doubt because he’s convinced he’s “essential.” Tsk, tsk, Andy: showing your true hue of Thug mixed with Greedball yet again.
8:59 am on December 9, 2020