“Walking Jack” Perry: Thanksgiving Message

Thanksgiving is, once again, upon us. With it, I’d like to discuss something today I think is in short quantity: Gratitude. I don’t know how many times I heard from various liberals “I’ll just be glad when the election is over no matter who wins so this will be done!” But what happened now that the election is over and “no matter who” has won? Nonstop whining and complaining. Excuse me, where is the gratitude now that you got what you wanted, that being, the election over? What happened to being glad no matter who won?

Okay, look, it’s okay to be unhappy. But we’re now a couple weeks past the election and these people have all the joyousness and cheer of the Bataan Death March. The man hasn’t even taken office yet and these people act like America, LLC is having a Going-Out-Of-Business Sale and the Liberty Bell just got snapped up by Mongolia to be melted down and cast into statuettes of Genghis Khan.

We hear now that somehow the electoral college system is wrong, unfair, undemocratic, etc. But would we hear that if the shoe was on the other foot and Hillary won by electoral votes? No, we’d be hearing how the electoral college system is dang near sacred no matter what anyone says to the contrary. Look here, people. The electoral college, right or wrong, exists to provide balance between land mass and population. In other words, the majority of land mass in the United States wanted Trump as opposed to the population majority. Meaning: A majority of states don’t want to be told what to do by a slim number of states even if they have the biggest population centers. And dig this: This is not a democracy, nor was it ever supposed to be. We’re supposed to have balance so even, yes, the MINORITY (Hel-LO!!!) has a voice in government. But people pick and choose what the word “minority” means, thanks to political correctness. A minority population, but a majority of the land mass has to be balanced with the majority population but minority of land mass. That isn’t easy to reconcile. But that’s why the electoral college exists. And if we need to change that, we take the time to do it RIGHT, not “on the fly” just because we got our feelings hurt and Trump got elected. Changing the voting structure takes, gosh, maybe a Constitutional convention of all states? At least.

On to gratitude. Look, whether or not your candidate won, I’m already tired of the near-constant whining over it. This is not the time or place right now. This is Thanksgiving. Guess what? That food you’ll eat? Mostly grown and raised in the “Red states” whose electoral votes elected Trump. See, eaters don’t always get to tell the growers what to do and how to run those farms. That’s the gist. So, you know what? Be thankful for them, because they put that food on your table. Well, no, actually, they helped put it on your table. In the end, God sends the rain upon the just and unjust and for that we can be grateful.

We can be thankful that we have that food and a home. We have electricity and heat. We’re alive. Okay, Trump got in, yeah. So? Is he shooting you? Killing you? No. Sit down, have some turkey, and have some gratitude. Things are not as bad as people think they are. This was an election, not a coup d’état. There aren’t tanks in the streets. What Trump will do remains to be seen. But let’s wait and see before freaking out. Right now, let us be grateful for what we have before us. Family, food, life. Excuse me, but what am I missing here?

We have clean water. Do you know how many children die on this planet every day because they haven’t got clean water? Thousands. We can go to any public building and get clean water for free from a drinking fountain. In some countries, you can walk a hundred miles and not see one source of clean water. Think we ought to be grateful? I think so. We have a lot to be grateful for every time we turn on the tap. If you don’t get what comes out of that tap in three days, you will die. And we have enough to bathe in. People wash their cars and dogs with clean drinking water. And thousands of kids die each die because they can’t get it. So, again, how about some gratitude?

It is Thanksgiving and we ought to be grateful to God each day of the year, not just one. Governments will come into being and pass away, but God will always Be. The sun will shine, the rain will fall, fruits will come into season and we shall eat them. That has nothing to do with politics. Therefore, we ought to show some gratitude to our Host in this rented abode we call Planet Earth. If we are grateful, we will deserve future blessings. If we are not grateful, what right do we have to expect more?

I am grateful for what I’ve got. This Thanksgiving, no matter who you are or what you believe, I hope you have a joyous Thanksgiving. May you and your families prosper and may God’s peace shine upon you.

————–Walking Jack Perry











11:41 am on November 23, 2016