“Walking Jack” Perry: Election Protest, Meet Jade Helm

I’ve been seeing some news articles about various “militias” prepping for a mass, possibly armed, protest if Hillary wins. Now, I don’t know who’s who because I haven’t got a score card. Maybe they are, maybe they aren’t. But let me remind folks of a few things:

1.) Hey, any of you guys remember the Jade Helm military exercise back in 2015? What do you suppose they were training for? Yeah…YOU! You, if you’re thinking of joining some armed march on DC. Basically, Jade Helm will have ALREADY planted informants in your midst. In other words, they’re going to be waiting for you and know your every move.

2.) “We have to take a stand!” Yeah, well, everyone is a tough guy until there’s a tank and troops in his front yard. What, you don’t think they’ll cut you off? Did you know they used a sonic weapon on peaceful protestors up in North Dakota? You want to take a stand? Then take a PEACEFUL one. Leave the guns at home.

3.) Guess what? The concentration camps they’ll quietly disappear you off into already exist. Right now, they’re called “ICE Detention Facilities” and they’re used to incarcerate “illegal aliens” who literally disappear into them for a couple years a pop. Some get forgotten in there. The conditions are horrible and there’s very little method to get word out of them. So, you better remember that ICE is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Homeland Security. That’s also who will have fired off the threat assessments to state and local law enforcement to be prepared for post-election unrest.

4.) At the end of the day, people, it’s STILL the government no matter who wins! My gosh, people, wake up! Now I don’t know whether or not people really are preparing themselves for McRevolution but do any of you realize if that is the case, that is exactly what the government wants?! Then they can push the button on martial law. Excuse me, but instead, why not imagine they gave a government and nobody came. Reacting violently will engender a violent response. And you’re going to win? Really? How? What, the government will back down? Since when has this government backed down when people rose up against it?

5.) All I am saying, is if you don’t keep it peaceful, you probably better have no plans for the future. You’re headed towards death or prison. And a prison you won’t be heard from out of for a very, very long time. No right to counsel, no habeas corpus, no nothing. As I said, whatever group you think is government-proof (“I know all these guys!!”) has informants already in its midst. Someone in your group has cheated on his taxes or has an old warrant and they’ve picked the dude up and shown him a 10 year stretch in prison unless he cooperates.  Or he was playing beach blanket bingo with the baby sitter and unless he rolls over on you guys, his wife will see the Film At 11 and the other chicks behind Curtain Number Three. That’s how it’s done.

Keep it peaceful. Violence is not an answer. Remember, the government is the one who says violence is the answer.  Again, I say, peace.

———Walking Jack Perry


1:35 pm on November 3, 2016