Video Addendum on Ayyadurai video

Kevin van Dorn sent me a link to a video that provides analysis of Ayyadurai’s vote-shifting video. This provides further firm grounds for rejecting Ayyadurai’s work as providing support for Trump to Biden vote-shifting. This does not rule out possible vote shifting or the eventual discovery of means by which it may have occurred via machine control or human intervention. It’s simply saying that such a discovery of a vote-shifting phenomenon is not supported by what Ayyadurai has put on display for us.

These comments by all of us on this subject are not refereed. They are not published articles. They are topical and gain interest because the election is so controversial. The readers who are willing to invest the time in the back-and-forth are left to decide for themselves what to believe. I’ve stated my position which is that what Ayyadurai claimed to see in the data is a spurious relation induced by his definitions of variables and the presence of hidden assumptions about their behavior. I am treating this back-and-forth as akin to any academic controversy that might appear in a series of journal articles. Each of us exposes our views and work as open to rebuttal and counter-criticism.


3:49 pm on November 16, 2020