Victory Day in Moscow, Red Square, May 9, 2022

Commemoration of Victory Day celebrates the official end of the Great Patriotic War (World War II in Europe) for the people of Russia (previously the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – USSR) on May 9, 1945. As you can see they still take this solemn remembrance event very seriously and on this particular day of this year one of extremely special meaning and importance.

This is the exact polar opposite of a woke Marxist, anti-patriotic anti-event in our present contrarian regime of totalitarian tribal identitarian statolatry.

“The term statolatry was used and popularized by Ludwig von Mises in his 1944 work Omnipotent Government. Mises defines statolatry as being literally worship of the State analogous to idolatry (worship of idols). Statolatry asserts that the glorification and aggrandizement of ‘State’ or ‘Nation’ is the object of all legitimate human aspiration at the expense of all else, including personal welfare and independent thought. Expansion of the power and influence of one’s State is to be achieved, if necessary, through aggressive war and colonial adventures (i.e. imperialism). It far exceeds the patriotism of those who recognize the rights of people other than themselves to self-determination, and might best be described as super-patriotism or chauvinism.”


5:12 pm on May 9, 2022