Uncle Sam Can’t Sanctify Mass Murder

Forgive my tardiness, but regarding the article of mine titled “Nuclear Christians” that was published on LRC on August 11, I want to mention something: Uncle Sam can’t sanctify mass murder. I find it incredibly blasphemous that the U.S. government would use the code name “Trinity” (as in the Blessed Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) for the first detonation of a nuclear weapon in July of 1945 as part of the Manhattan Project.

If Americans are willing to defend the atomic bombing of Japan, then it shouldn’t surprise anyone that they are cheering the bombing of ISIS or anyone else.

And men can’t sanctify mass murder either. After LibertarianChristians.com re-posted my article, a defender of the atomic bombing of Japan who can’t read (he refers to the “unnamed agnostic Jew” that I plainly identify in my article as Murray Rothbard) commented that I was trying to make the argument that using weapons of mass destruction was in and of themselves sinful and therefore against God but offered no support from God Himself. He concluded: “I cannot think of any verse in Scripture that condemns a nation for using weapons of mass destruction in of itself.”

Well, if “Thou shalt not kill” does not prohibit the use of a nuclear weapon that kills offensively, indiscriminately, and deliberately targets civilians then it doesn’t prohibit the killing of anyone by anyone else for any reason.


8:13 am on September 28, 2014