Tucker Carlson just interviewed the executive director of the Sierra Club. He got him to say that the Sierra Club issued a press release last year “in solidarity” with Planned Parenthood because of their belief that more people is bad for the environment, therefore, more abortions is good for the environment. Then, the Sierra Club bureaucrat made a passionate plea for open borders and unlimited immigration, which of course would increase population, thereby harming the environment. In other words, the Sierra club is just another Democrat Party shill organization hiding behind the skirts of Mother Earth. They want more Third World immigrants because almost all of them will vote Democrat. That of course was always the plan of Ted Kennedy’s 1965 immigration law that all but eliminated European immigration in favor of Third World immigration. The end goal is totalitarian control of society, and the Sierra Club is just one of hundreds of phony baloney shill organizations constructed to promote that end — in this case, Soviet-style central planning of the economy in the name of “saving the planet.”
8:44 pm on February 2, 2017