Trump To Win in a Huge Upset

It’s midnight here in Western New York, and Trump is slated to win the 2016 election for the U.S. presidency. Too bad that his running mate is Pence. He’s slated to win the key swing states of North Carolina, Florida and Ohio.

The Predictit market at this moment has Trump at 98 cents and Clinton at 5 cents, and that means Trump is, from what we now know, pulling off another Brexit-type upset. No matter what happens next, this is a huge anti-establishment vote. It is a huge anti-Clinton vote. It is a huge vote against political correctness. It expresses enormous dissatisfaction within the country looking for an outlet. It’s an anti-war vote. It’s clear that Clinton could not cover up her incompetence and that the major media bias and fakery has been seen through. This is a huge blow at the establishment media. The weight of scandals has proven far too much for Clinton to bear.

The establishment will not go down without fighting back, and it has many devious ways to do this. A Trump presidency will run into strong resistance and infiltration from establishment forces. The election is only an opening battle. The fate of a reordered Republican Party now lies in the hands of Donald Trump as does the fate of a reordered U.S. government.

My prayers have been for wisdom, maturity and good judgment to come to Clinton if she had won and to Trump if he had won. He has a great many errors of judgment and understanding to overcome. He has a greater capacity to learn from his mistakes, however, than Clinton has demonstrated to learn from hers. Trump will need that as his term unfolds.


11:27 pm on November 8, 2016