If Trump Never Did Another Thing in Politics

Eighteen months ago, in May 2015, the panelists on the McLaughlin Group were asked who they would vote for if the presidential race came down to the two candidates who appeared to be the likely nominees at the time: Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush.

Mort Zuckerman said if that were the case, he would go to bed early on election night, confident that when he awoke in the morning America would be in great hands whichever of the two were elected.

Of course, he would think that. Zuckerman is a global interventionist and was a real chest-thumper for the elective Iraq war.  Not only that, he is a New York real estate billionaire who is no doubt especially grateful for all the money the Fed has been stovepiping to Wall Street.

He knew he’d get more of the same on both fronts – foreign wars and Fed monetary madness – from either Hillary or Jeb!

So help me, I am very worried about a lot of things with Trump: an administration filled with warmongers like Giuliani and Christie and Bolton, a trade war, needless confrontations with China and Iran, bigger military budgets, the foolish things he pops off with like his impulsive call for a boycott of Apple, and his authoritarian instincts.

But for now, he has spared us both Hillary and Jeb! And for that we should all be very grateful.


1:38 am on November 11, 2016