Torture revealed?

I have only read a bit of news about the CIA’s report on what it did and does, in our name and with our money.  But esteemed members of Congress, soldiers, officers, CIA agents and contractors, and many more people that we are supposed to “trust” have known the facts and the gory specifics for months and years — and yet all of these (or most of these) either trusted the institution to “decide” what to reveal, and kindly and patiently waited for the institution to “authorize” the release.  Trusting institutions, trusting the political bosses, and doing what you are told.  That’s what got us the torture in the first place. So until we see federal employees indicted, charged with crimes, punished, and publicly humiliated for being so utterly moronic and brutal — and this includes the Congressmen and Senators who saw this report months ago and failed to take any action to punish the perps and sanction the institution, nothing changes.  In fact, soon we will be hearing how it wasn’t so bad anyway, and we don’t do that anymore, and how silly and dangerous it was to release the censored report in the first place.   Newsflash:  the state as an institution tortures as a matter of course, and will always do so.  Torture isn’t about the guy who gets tortured, it’s about creating and fostering thousands and tens of thousands of state enablers who do what they are told, blindly and without presenting a significant moral challenge.   Until people stop doing what they are told, stop honoring the false idea that politicians and institutions have official privacy or deserve confidentiality, and distrust of the state becomes the spirit of the land, we will have many more opportunities to see, hear about and perhaps participate in torture at the hands of the state.  This report sheds new light — not on CIA and its contractors’ acts of torture — but on the astounding dereliction of duty and abysmal moral corruption of most of our Representatives and Senators in Congress, and the utter uselessness of mainstream media.   If it is a call to action, let it be a call to repudiate the state in every way practical.


5:40 pm on December 9, 2014