Today’s Testimonies from the Trenches 

Dispatches on evading the “mandates” for masks continue pouring in.

From Tennessee, Terry writes, 

…We are an hour away from Nashville, which has fallen to the Warsaw Pact from what I can tell. My state governor put on a brave face and decided to put the decision off on the counties to decide about mask mandates. Our heroic county mayor has outright refused to implement a mask mandate. As a result, commerce and life in general is booming here like usual. People are happier. They aren’t afraid of dying. We have a vocal contingent of mean spirited totalitarians who are trying to shame businesses into mandates, but generally people here are just over it.

I have a bookstore in Cookeville and it is doing business as usual, as if nothing was going on. I also have a store in Mt Juliet. Mt Juliet is right outside of Nashville. That county does have a mask mandate. The store there is doing about half the business of the free Cookeville store. Anecdotally, I conclude that mask mandates cause more fear in those who are sensitive to virus news and those who wish to be free are avoiding stores because they don’t want to get into excessive conflict with staff there. Weren’t masks supposed to make people more comfortable and less afraid? Needless to say, my store does not discriminate against free citizens. No masks required at either location.

Yee haw!

Terry’s empirical evidence is most persuasive, isn’t it? But while the Masked Morons are highly susceptible to COVIDiocy, they are immune to logic and common sense.

Next up: Sara from Michigan. 

I went into my local Detroit area Goodwill today. I was greeted with not one, but two signs on the front door. The first sign said masks are required by law. Hmm. I wasn’t aware Governor Whit-less was part of the legislative branch and could make laws.

Don’t worry, Sara: most of her subjects aren’t. 

The second sign said “no shirt, no shoes, no mask no service.” I went in without a mask, completed my shopping with no hassle, and then left. Maybe next time I should try shopping without a shirt to see if they’re actually serious about that rule since they weren’t serious about the mask rule.

Alex Zoumaras sustained a few wounds in his battle against the Morons but survived to file this report: 

…I walked out of a restaurant after they said I had to do the masking show. We don’t need restaurants to eat. I did not claim a medical condition. After asking some pertinent questions about the absurdity of the rule, I told the person I would not wear a mask, that I do enough stupid things and will not add to them by being an idiot.


I made a bit of a scene. The people I was to meet were already seated and only about 30 feet away from my exchange with the restaurant worker. In a voice more than loud enough for my friends and family to hear I told them that they should all leave too, that by staying they are perpetuating the madness. I noticed very little reaction from anyone that I am sure heard me. Sadly, in a text exchange later, my sister did not even comment on the masking mess but, she did invite me over for a BBQ.

Alex, I’m nominating you for a Purple Heart. Standing firmly on principle when strangers oppose you is tough enough, but when loved ones do… You’re a brave guy.

Most of the time nobody says anything to me about not being masked. The only time I have even used the medical exemption was on a construction job site where the Superintendent told me they are required. Here in CA construction is “essential.”

Meanwhile, Dave from Scottsboro, TN, discusses strategy: 

Another tactic to use against the stores that require masks is to “embrace the absurdity”. Send a letter to the store’s manager or better yet the corporate CEO thanking them for making their mask policy known to you. Since they require masks to be worn by all customers, that must mean that their stores are hopelessly contaminated with the covid virus. Since that is the case, mention that you have found and now frequent other merchants that carry similar products. Their stores have no required mask policy and therefore must not be contaminated by the covid virus. Be nice to the maskers, wish them the best of luck in their efforts at ridding their facilities of the covid virus.

And finally, Jim McCullen muses philosophically: 

I will use the medical excuse for expedience sake. My goal is not to win an argument with an idiot but to get the shopping done. Unless I’m with my grandson. In which case I may want to give him some stories to tell about his papa. I think my next response will be to claim that yes indeed I am wearing a mask which can be seen only by the discerning and intelligent individual …. And when challenged as to its effectiveness I will claim equal to or greater effectiveness as the one worn by the challenger.

March forth confidently in this war! We fight for sanity, truth and, above all, liberty. As George Washington advised, “Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair. The event is in the hand of God.”


7:22 am on July 30, 2020