Whoa! We’ve previously admired the courage and conviction of Pastor James Coates and GraceLife Church in Canada. Now Russell Johnson, founding pastor of The Pursuit (so named, he says, because he and his wife “made a decision to live intentionally passionate lives, pursuing the presence of God”) in Snohomish, Washington, joins the depressingly sparse ranks of modern martyrs in North America.
The Pursuit received “a threatening 14-page letter by the Department of Health,” according to the gentleman who alerted me to this story, “recommending that the church be prosecuted by the Attorney General for violating the Governor’s Covid Mandates.” Said “violations” (can one violate a violation of the Constitution?) give the State a pretext to cage Pastor Johnson for “up to 90 days” while plundering his church of $10,000 in fines.
But this devout man of God doesn’t tremble at Leviathan’s intimidation. He defies the beast instead, refusing to close the church’s doors, refusing to force his congregants to veil themselves with masks, refusing to silence their praise of the Savior—refusing, in short, to obey government rather than God.
He’s also released this 4-minute video. Watch it and thrill to a Christian’s wholehearted devotion to our God! Cheer a Patriot’s stance against the Satanic State! And whet your appetite for the monumental spiritual war we’re fighting.
My anonymous tipster extracted the following quotes from this masterpiece:
(1) “Every time the government grows, personal liberty shrinks.”
(2) “How have we gone from having a country that values religious freedom, to having a government that now micro-manages religious gatherings?”
Largely because your fellow pastors cozied up to the State rather than condemning it as you do, Brother.
(3) “The government has told us not to gather, not to sing, not to play instruments, not to take Communion. This same government has set up hotlines encouraging neighbors to snitch.”
(4) “I trust the science. What I don’t trust is the Totalitarian Class and their unfettered lust for power, control, and authority.”
OK, folks, do your happy dance for as long as required to burn off that adrenaline! I required a good five minutes or so, shouting “Hallelujah!” the while!
(5) “This coordinated campaign of intimidation and harassment against this church will not work.”
(6) “We cancel power-hungry politicians, but we ain’t canceling church.”
Ditto and mega-dittoes!
Mr. Anonymous adds,
My heart breaks for what our fellow Christians are going through here in Washington State and other places. This is wrong. This is evil. A stand to defend churches is very much needed: religious liberty is central to liberty itself.
Yep. It is indispensably foundational. Every nation that restricts freedom of conscience abrogates all other freedoms, too. I pray God uses the current totalitarianism to teach American Christians that vital truth.
… the church has the full support of the Mayor of Snohomish, Washington, who came on stage during Sunday’s service. There were standing ovations for the video as well as for the Mayor.
I trust because he was lambasting the State’s tyranny and pledging to defend The Pursuit and not because he’s an elected parasite.
If your pastor belongs to the herd of Goats, send him this video with my compliments and ask why he isn’t standing in the gap beside Pastor Johnson.
11:14 am on March 10, 2021